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Laura-Lee Locheed   Financial Management Advisor  (FMA )


Welcome to my Website, as you begin your journey into the fascinating, and fact-filled , World of  Retirement Income, Tax and Estate Planning . As a Financial Management  Advisor (FMA ) my career, up until Career Year 39, has been solidly centred in work, throughout the Okanagan Valley, within the mainstream of Canadian corporations in the banking and Insurance industries.                                                                                                                                                                                     Now, I provide my FMA Consulting Services only ( with no sales of products involved ) with the Mastery Level of the Financial Management Advisor (FMA) designation, conferred on me by the Canadian  Securities Institute in 2004.  

I have in-depth experience to share with my valued Clients, and continually enjoy doing so. 


The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.

                            Lao  Tsu

      The Financial Management Advisor (FMA ) designation is the               Mastery Level of Retirement Income, Tax and Estate Planning conferred  by the Canadian Securities Institute. The prerequisites are extensive, including successful completion of the CFP ( Certified Financial Planner - myself being the first one in the North Okanagan in 1988 ), the Canadian Securities Course, Ethics Courses, and the intensive Wealth                           Management Techniques Courses, plus defined years of industry experience. Providing consistent client service levels and maintaining , throughout all of my career years with all Companies,  a 100 % clear record in the legal and compliance area is also an essential and satisfying part of my  FMA work.  

       I , and my family , continue to be active in our wonderful Okanagan Community, and Home Town of Vernon . This  has included Volunteer work with the Chamber of Commerce, City of Vernon, etc., and currently with our Okanagan Symphony Orchestra. Steady participation in our local sailing and tennis Clubs adds much to my enjoyment of                                             our special Okanagan lifestyles.     

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